Design is a creative field that requires a lot of skill, talent, and passion. Designers are responsible for creating visual solutions that communicate messages, enhance user experiences, and solve problems. They work in various industries, such as web design, graphic design, product design, fashion design, game design, and more.
However, despite the importance and diversity of their work, designers often face challenges when it comes to getting paid fairly and being valued for their contributions. In this blog post, we will explore some of the reasons why designers are paid so low and exploited in the industry, and how The Hyphn is different from other companies in terms of appreciating and rewarding designers for their hard work and dedication.

Why are designers paid so low and exploited in the industry?
There are many factors that contribute to the low pay and exploitation of designers in the industry. Some of them are:
Supply and demand: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were around 281,500 job openings for graphic designers in 2019. However, there are more graphic designers than job opportunities, which creates a surplus of labour and a shortage of demand. This means that employers have more bargaining power and can offer lower wages or ask for more work without additional compensation.
Low barriers to entry: With the advancement of digital technology, anyone with a computer and some design software can call themselves a designer, even if they lack formal education, experience, or skills. This creates more competition and lowers the standards of quality and professionalism in the industry. It also makes it harder for clients to distinguish between qualified and unqualified designers, and to value their work accordingly.
Lack of understanding: Many clients, employers, and even society at large do not understand the value of design or the process behind it. They may see design as something easy, fun, or superficial, rather than something complex, challenging, or strategic. They may also have unrealistic expectations or demands, such as asking for multiple revisions, fast turnaround times, or free work. They may not appreciate the creativity, research, analysis, testing, and iteration that goes into creating a good design solution.
Lack of business knowledge: Many designers lack the business skills or confidence to negotiate their rates, contracts, or terms of service. They may not know how to price their work, market their services, or protect their rights. They may undervalue their work or accept low offers out of fear, desperation, or ignorance. They may also face issues such as late payments, scope creep, or plagiarism.

These are some of the common reasons why designers are paid so low and exploited in the industry. However, not all companies are like that. There are some companies that respect and value designers and their work, and one of them is The Hyphn.
How is The Hyphn different from other companies in terms of appreciating and rewarding designers for their hard work and dedication?
The Hyphn is a company that provides design solutions for various clients, such as websites, logos, flyers, posters, brochures, and more. The Hyphn is different from other companies in terms of appreciating and rewarding designers for their hard work and dedication in the following ways:
Competitive pay: The Hyphn pays designers according to their skills, experience, and quality of work. The Hyphn does not exploit designers by offering low wages or asking for more work without additional compensation. The Hyphn also pays designers on time and in full, without any delays or deductions.
Clear communication: The Hyphn communicates with designers clearly and respectfully. The Hyphn provides designers with clear briefs, expectations, feedback, and deadlines. The Hyphn also listens to designers’ ideas, suggestions, and concerns, and values their input and opinions.
Creative freedom: The Hyphn gives designers the freedom to express their creativity and showcase their talent. The Hyphn does not impose strict guidelines or limitations on designers’ work, but rather encourages them to explore different possibilities and solutions. The Hyphn also supports designers’ professional growth and development by providing them with opportunities to learn new skills, tools, or techniques.
Recognition and appreciation: The Hyphn recognizes and appreciates designers’ work and contributions. The Hyphn gives designers credit for their work and showcases it on their website, social media, or portfolio. The Hyphn also rewards designers with bonuses, incentives, or recognition awards for their outstanding performance or achievements.
These are some of the ways that The Hyphn is different from other companies in terms of appreciating and rewarding designers for their hard work and dedication. The Hyphn believes that design is not just a job, but a passion and a craft that deserves respect and value.
Designers are creative professionals who create visual solutions that communicate messages, enhance user experiences, and solve problems. However, they often face challenges when it comes to getting paid fairly and being valued for their work in the industry. Some of the reasons why designers are paid so low and exploited in the industry are supply and demand, low barriers to entry, lack of understanding, and lack of business knowledge.
However, not all companies are like that. There are some companies that respect and value designers and their work, and one of them is The Hyphn. The Hyphn is different from other companies in terms of appreciating and rewarding designers for their hard work and dedication by offering competitive pay, clear communication, creative freedom, recognition and appreciation.